
Mandy Sinclair | Co-Active Business Coach, Mentor & Weightloss Coach

When you meet Mandy, she is bright and happy. But her story really is one that will stop you in your tracks. Having lost 16 stone in weight Mandy is now at a healthy weight for her, but she then had another journey to embark on finding the clothes that suited her and made her feel good again. Finding your style doesn’t always come that easily.

  1. How would you describe your occupation and what does it involve?

After 30 years in the Financial Services sector, in a variety of roles across finance, operations and change management, I changed careers 18 months ago to become a personal and business coach. 

I had coaching myself 4 years ago which completely transformed how I felt about myself and my life. That started a journey towards having the confidence to live a very different life, following my passion to help people live their best life. I work mainly with individuals but also some small businesses and help them to be the best version of themselves. Each client is different and I love exploring with them what they want and how they can achieve it. I also help people who are struggling with weight loss and low self-image to overcome the emotional issues they have around food. I help them break away from yo-yo dieting into a sustainable, confident and healthy self-image.  


2. Describe your fashion style to me – what do you like to wear, what do you never wear?

I am currently having a lot of fun learning what my style is. Due to my previous battles with my weight and self-confidence, I have spent most of my life trying to be invisible. I had very limited options when it came to clothes and so would just buy things because they fitted. I would never wear anything that would stand out and most clothes were shapeless and baggy.  

Now I am experimenting with much more fitted clothes and trying to work out what shapes suit me. I am embracing a more feminine style recently and am discovering I love florals. I have had my colours done and was delighted to discover that bright colours work for me and I love wearing them and feel much more confident when I do. 

Unfortunately, my body bears the scars of my previous weight issues and so short skirts (anything above mid-calf) and short sleeves are not comfortable for me. I also have a few joint issues and so comfortable shoes are a must for me, but I have discovered a love of fun patterned canvas shoes and boots. 


3. Do you have a different style for work and home? Why?

Sometimes. At the moment all my work is virtual so my work style consists of putting a colourful top on. My bottom half is mainly in walking trousers or leggings at the moment as my daily exercise is critical to my lock-down well-being. When I am out and about in normal times, my work uniform consists mainly of a bright top or jacket and black or grey tailored trousers. Depending on the client I am visiting, I may wear casual shoes so I am not too formal. 


4. What advice can you give to someone who feels they have no style or feels they are just stuck in a cycle of no identity?

I am a huge believer that you should do whatever makes you happy and not what someone tells you that you should wear. I found having my colours done hugely helpful as it gave me confidence about what worked for me and then I have experimented with my style. 

I visit Charity shops now and try different styles and have learned I can pick up some great items. Not only do I save money but I am also helping the charity and the environment. Be brave and find things that make you smile and feel good. 


5. What advice would you give to someone with low self-confidence about their style?

I truly know how hard it can be when you hate how you look and feel and have to go into work or social environments. Decisions about what to wear become huge and can create significant anxiety. The reality is that no-one else there will care like you do and most won’t notice. My advice is to find something that you can love. It might be accessories, shoes, scarves, or even make-up. It might be a colour that you love. Use it as a base and focus on this. Make it the feature that you want people to notice, talk about it, share your love of it – let it make you happy. 


6. Give me a quote to inspire someone who needs an injection of motivation to find themselves.

“Find out who you are and do it on purpose.” – Dolly Parton               

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Victoria McKenna